
affordable eye care options for families

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affordable eye care options for families

How many people in your household wear glasses or contact lenses? When there are multiple people in one household that wear corrective lenses, it can be hard to keep up with the expense of having regular exams and updated prescriptions filled. What can you do to stay on top of the important exams without breaking the bank? This blog is all about affordable eye care options. You will learn tips that can help to ensure that everyone in your home can see clearly and maintains their healthy eyes. Hopefully, the things that I have tried with my family will help you with yours.

Signs Of An Eye Infection And How To Prevent It

Eye infections can occur from a number of different things, although they are usually caused by bacteria that spreads to the eye from your hands, or from something getting into your eye via a viral infection. If you have an eye infection, you need to make an appointment with your optometrist for a diagnosis and for treatment options to treat the infection properly and to prevent further issues with your eyes or your vision. Read on for signs of an eye infection and what you can do to prevent one in the first place.

Signs Of An Eye Infection

Some signs of an eye infection may include redness, swelling, pain, the feeling that something is in your eye, or yellow or green-tinged discharge coming from the eye. You may also find that you are having a difficult time seeing, or you could have an issue with opening your eyes all of the way, as they may be so swollen that they are swollen shut. If your eyes are showing any of these signs, you should make an appointment with the optometrist to have the infection diagnosed and treated. An infection in the eyes can sometimes be very contagious depending on the type of infection that you have, and it can be contracted by someone else. Preventing an eye infection in the first place is very important.

Preventing An Eye Infection

Prevent an eye infection in the first place by keeping your hands clean. Wash your hands often to remove bacteria and germs from your hands that can easily transfer bacteria or a virus to your eyes and cause the infection. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap, and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds to remove as much bacteria as possible from your hands. Pay attention to the tips of your fingers and in between your fingers, as well as the rest of your hands. You should keep your hands off of your face to prevent the spread of bacteria, and never share items with others such as makeup and makeup brushes, contact lenses, or anything else that gets close to your eyes. 

If you have an eye infection, you need to make an appointment with your optometrist for an eye exam to properly diagnose and treat this condition and to prevent spreading it to others.

For more information, contact a local business that offers eye exams, like Northwest Ophthalmology.