
affordable eye care options for families

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affordable eye care options for families

How many people in your household wear glasses or contact lenses? When there are multiple people in one household that wear corrective lenses, it can be hard to keep up with the expense of having regular exams and updated prescriptions filled. What can you do to stay on top of the important exams without breaking the bank? This blog is all about affordable eye care options. You will learn tips that can help to ensure that everyone in your home can see clearly and maintains their healthy eyes. Hopefully, the things that I have tried with my family will help you with yours.

Maintaining Normal Intraocular Pressure After Cataract Surgery

When the lenses of your eyes become white, then you probably have cataracts. Not only do cataracts cause blurred vision, but they can also make driving at night risky because cataracts can make you see excessive glare, especially around lights. Cataracts can also make colors look drab and less vibrant, and when you look in the mirror, the insides of your eyes may look opaque or milky.

Following your eye cataract surgery, you will need to take certain precautions to help keep your eye pressure (intraocular pressure) from rising too high. If your intraocular pressure becomes too high after surgery, it can slow the healing process and you may be at a greater risk for glaucoma. Here are some things to consider after your eye cataract surgery to help ensure that your intraocular pressure stays within normal limits.

Keep Your Head Up

If you need to bend down or stoop over to pick something up or tie your shoes, keep your head up. If you look down while bending or stooping, you may inadvertently raise your eye pressure. Because elevated eye pressure usually doesn't cause any symptoms until it gets critically high, you may be unaware that anything is wrong. While it probably won't hurt you to briefly lower your head in order to pick something up off the floor, be mindful to do so gently.

In addition to bending down and stooping over, avoid strenuous activities and try not to climb the stairs too often. Your eye doctor will advise you as to when you can resume these activities after they examine you at your post-operative office visit.

Consider Your Medications

Certain medications can also increase your eye pressure. These include decongestants, which are used to relieve nasal congestion, as well as certain antidepressants, corticosteroids, aspirin, and ibuprofen.

Let your eye doctor know if you are taking any of these medications or if you start taking new medications during your recovery period. Furthermore, if your primary care physician or cardiologist recommended that you take a daily aspirin to prevent a heart attack or stroke, do not stop taking it without checking with them. People at high risk for heart attacks and strokes may be at a greater risk of developing blood clots if they stop their aspirin therapy abruptly. 

If you are anticipating eye cataract surgery, consider the above interventions to help prevent high eye pressure. In addition, following your doctor's post-operative instructions and keeping your scheduled office visits will further help promote healing so that you can enjoy clearer vision following your cataract surgery. 

For more information, contact a local center like Sabates Eye Centers.