
affordable eye care options for families

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affordable eye care options for families

How many people in your household wear glasses or contact lenses? When there are multiple people in one household that wear corrective lenses, it can be hard to keep up with the expense of having regular exams and updated prescriptions filled. What can you do to stay on top of the important exams without breaking the bank? This blog is all about affordable eye care options. You will learn tips that can help to ensure that everyone in your home can see clearly and maintains their healthy eyes. Hopefully, the things that I have tried with my family will help you with yours.

3 Ways To Protect Your Eyes As A Student

As a student, you have long hours of socializing and studying. Sometimes, your health comes second to all your other obligations. You need to make sure that you are caring for your ocular health, especially as you grow older. There are small, easy steps to take to make sure that your eyes remain healthy. Keep these tips in mind when you are studying, preparing a meal or snack, or going out to the beach or snow. Here are three ways to protect your eyes as a student.

Practice the 20-20-20 rule while using the computer.

As a student, you spent a lot of time looking at screens. Whether you are on your smartphone, looking at lectures on a projector screen, or typing a paper on your computer, your eyes are likely to get tired while you are completing your work. Staring at a bright screen for long periods can also dry out your eyes, leading to further irritation. In order to avoid straining your eyes, practice the 20-20-20 rule while working at a computer. Look at a point 20 feet away from you for a duration of 20 seconds for every 20 minutes that you are working at your computer or otherwise looking at a bright screen.

Eat more leafy green vegetables to benefit your vision.

Your diet plays a large role in protecting your eye health. Make sure that you include plenty of green leafy vegetables in your diet. They are rich in nutrients called lutein and zeaxathin. Lutein and zeaxathin help to reduce your likelihood of suffering from cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. These carotenoids can be found in large concentrations in vegetables such as romaine lettuce, broccoli, kale, green peas, and green beans. If leafy vegetables are not to your taste, you can also get these nutrients by eating organic eggs and oranges.

Protect your eyes from UV radiation with sunglasses.

Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can have drastic consequences for your eyes. Prolonged exposure to UV rays increases your chances of suffering from photokeratitis, ocular cancer, and age-related cataracts, among others. Protect your eyes from UV radiation by wearing sunglasses in bright places. This does not just mean the beach. When you are in a snowy environment, the bright white snow reflects UV rays back up into your face. Make sure that you are wearing sunglasses that filter UV rays. These do not necessarily have to be prescription lenses, but you can find prescription glasses with UV protection.